Saturday, January 12, 2008


It was there this morning when I came downstairs. The brown envelope on the doormat. I didn't realise until after I'd read it and I stopped feeling sick just how stressed I'd been since the whole process started.

It's good news. No medical, no further information required, my incapacity benefit (in reality income support) will continue until a routine review in 2012.

Of course, being the complicated kinda girl that I am, my aim for this year is to somehow figure out how to get off benefit and find a way of effectively supporting myself financially from home. For now though, the relief is indescribable. Up there with looking over and seeing The Captain sleeping on my sofa as I write.


  1. I can understand your relief.

  2. Anonymous4:03 pm

    So glad that they've extended, it must be a great relief.
    Best wishes

  3. Hurrah!

    You're not being complicated at all. The fact is, it is difficult to put energies into moving your life forwards, when you are struggling just to stay still. An IB award that is several years long, gives you the breathing-space necessary to start thinking seriously about what and how and next.

    Plus (although don't take my word for this as I'm not sure how the income support aspect of your finances works) it'll enable you to take advantage of the 104-week Linking Rule - so if you try a job, and it goes belly-up because of your listed conditions, you go straight back on to what you are on now, rather than messing about with Statutory Sick Pay and all that crud.

    So pleased for you though :)

  4. That is good news! Now that you can stop worrying about the financial side, you can put all your energies into looking after yourself.

    But Captain, what Captain?

  5. Anonymous7:58 pm


    What HAVE you been doing to wear the poor Captain out?!!!

    Seriously though, I'm delighted to hear your excellent news. Enjoy that delicious feeling of relief :-D

  6. Oh Yay!!! I am thrilled to bits for you.. Yippeee!!!!

    (((hugs))) kim

  7. What's going on in blogland? For once, everybody seems to be happy! Great news my dear! But you know you have to tell more about Captain now!

  8. That is fantastic. Congrats. :)

    Yes, I did the same thing - received one of these 'your benefits will continue until... no further sicknotes required' letters, and immediately went and found myself a job. Oops. :D Best of luck with your plans there.

  9. Yep Bendy we need lots of info on Captain....only in the interest of care glad you have got sorted..xx

  10. Anonymous1:34 am

    Glad everything went smoothly. Look forward to hearing from you again in 4 years...

  11. Casdok: I know x

    Maddy: It is ty x

    Mary: ty. It is just that. The breathing space. I don't know if I'm being realistic or not about the idea of working at all, perhaps it's just something I have to keep hoping for, but regardless of that the stress of benefit forms I can live without.
    I'm not sure about linking rules with income support, I'd have to look into it more, I do know the rules are different than for incapacity benefit on quite a few things.

    Steph: Thank you. its such a weight off my mind! As for the captain...

    (((((Kim))))) thanks

    Vi: I know, wonderful isn't it?!

    Lilwatchergirl: ty. contrary lot us bendy people! lol!

    Emma: ty. I will bow to the weight of public demand at some point....;)

    Faceless: thank you, and thank you for all your comments here. I really hope you'll carry on reading and commenting? Bendy Girl x

  12. Fantastic news hon, really pleased on both fronts!

  13. Pixie: Thank you, as I am for you! x
