Friday, February 15, 2008

It's viral, honest!

I finally got round to making an appointment with my GP this morning, the one I really should have made some time last year when some sort of viral infection meant I wasn't well enough to go to the naming ceremony.

I've got a track record of insisting all sorts of things are 'viral' and ignoring them, but really it's about a mix of not being able to judge when I'm ill, a hangover from so many years of being told I was attention seeking prior to being diagnosed with EDS, and not wanting to go to the doctors. However nice my current GP's are. It was the BYM who put his foot down this time after seeing me yesterday and insisted I had to go.

I phoned at 8.30 this morning, got through to the receptionist after a few attempts and was made an appointment for 10.20am. It's 11.30am as I'm typing this, already having had my first dose of antibiotics, a (gentle) lecture from my GP about not leaving things so long, and that although this current bug is viral infection in 99% of people, who do not need antibiotics, for those like myself who are more vulnerable it's a different situation. I had managed to convince myself that it was still no big deal, despite the length of time I've been ignoring it, the constant overwhelming desire to sleep, and having reached the 'feel a bit confused and can't tell you what hurts most stage'. So I was a bit surprised to be told I needed antibiotics quickly before I ended up with pneumonia.

I'm off to bed. Hope you all have a nice weekend.


  1. Anonymous12:37 pm

    Get well soon!

  2. lucky you DID go to the docs, you dont want to end up with pneumonia! Get plenty of rest my dear!

  3. I've got a similar track record of ignoring stuff. It's a wonder we've survived this long!

    I hope the antibiotics don't take too long to kick in. Feel better!

  4. Hope the antibiotics help and you feel better soon.

  5. You have a good weekend Bendy and I hope you feel better soon...xx

  6. get better soon hon!
    sounds like you have a lot of caring people around you judging by the post below, which must make life a bit easier.... All you gotta do now is take notice and look after yourself!!

  7. I hope that you are feeling better soon BG xx (((HUGS)))

    cheers Kim xxx

  8. Anonymous2:35 am

    rest easy and look after yourself

  9. You have to look after yourself, Miss! It's not a sign of weakness to need some extra help that other people who you perceive as 'normal' might not have needed. It's just self-preservation. I bet a lot of those 'normal' people would probably have been down the doctors far sooner than you were begging for antibiotics that they didnt actually need! I know which group I think are the 'weak' link in that scenario. Get Well Soon x

  10. Hope you are feeling better as am having a party ocer at my place and would love for you to come. Bring a bottle!

  11. Anonymous10:46 pm

    I like the sound of your GP practice! Early appointments available, runs on time and they take you seriously!

    I have a problem with doctors always wanting to 'play safe' because of my medical history and I find I have to fight to be allowed to take my time before resorting to help. I know I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for antibiotics but I've also seen the other side of that coin - M.R.S.A. - the result of the overuse of antibiotics. That's why it's so important to have mutual respect in the doctor/patient relationship.

    Hope you start to feel better soon, BG. You sure sound like you could use a bit of help!

  12. Anonymous5:10 am

    post again soon, bendy friend, hoping you are feeling better. am writing as anonymous cos I need a new virtual name, having eds myself I can't pinch yours though! so will sign off for the minute as bendytwo same as you. xoxox Please feel better asap.

  13. I've got a track record of my doctor's insisting everything was 'viral'. Huh. Hope you get better soon!

  14. I hope things haven't gone from bad to worse, and that the pause in posting represents good news rather than bad....

    I hope lots of things though...more in hope than anything else though...

    Whatever...god bless...

  15. Anonymous12:56 am

    Thinking of you.
    As cogidubnus says ... I also hope = a lot more than I realise, so ....
    hoping vos sentio melior nunc

    bendytwo xoxo

  16. hiya BG.. It has been 8 days since your last post.. I hope that you are ok..

    cheers kim xxx

  17. mmm 9 days and counting... I am only a little bit worried... @#*%$

    cheers kim..

    I really hope that you and the captain are off doing romantic and lovely things together...really really really....
