Friday, April 11, 2008

Web Accessibility

Thanks to Matt Wardman who is taking very seriously the issue of accessibility to his site The Wardman Wire.
As for the new Politics Home, well, I know very little about web accessibility (other than it being an issue for many) but, even without vision problems past those of your typical mole, I can't even look at the site without my eyes putting up an Olympic style protest. Shame as I hear it might be quite interesting.


  1. Ugh to Politics Home. I know exactly what you mean. All that lime green makes me want to puke and it's so busy I feel quite seasick!

    You have been tagged... again :)

  2. Cake: Exactly, though perhaps check out Matt's site. He's a shining example of someone thinking seriously about such issues and doing something about it

    I'm working on that tag!
