Thursday, July 17, 2008

Go Oscar, Go!

Whilst it is disappointing that Oscar Pistorius's times were not fast enough to qualify for the individual 400m the real issue is once again the discriminatory and unpleasant attitude of the IAFF who state they would prefer Pistorius not to be selected for the 4x400m relay for "reasons of safety"

Shame on them! Go Oscar Go!


  1. Im with you, BG! Go, Oscar, Go! An inspirational man.

  2. You would think that rather than trying to stop him the IAFF would be instead praising him for such his phenomenal achievements....or is that just too naive! Gah!

  3. HMCake: Sod the inspiration, have you seen the man?! I can think of far better things to do with him than be inspired ;) lol!

    GemmaK: It is weird isn't it? I think it just goes to show the extent of disablism and how little acknowledged a problem it really is. The IAFF couldn't manage to prove their ridiculous theory about his blades being advantageous so they've decided to call him a health a safety risk instead. I can think of one easy way to teach the IAFF just how advantageous those blades really aren't...anyone up for an amputation spree? lol

  4. As you say, Go Oscar Go!

  5. I think you mean the IAAF, not the IAFF. The IAFF is the International Association Of Firefighters, the biggest bunch of....oh, never mind, I am NOT going to get started on them!

  6. Are his prosthetics really any more dangerous than the spikes on the other runners shoes?

  7. I have a freind who is an amputee... he can't play local league football because his prosthetic is a 'health and safety risk'. So it seems that the years of work the boffins did to provide a high tech leg that would stand the pace and all the rehab. the NHS invested in getting the guy so amazingly mobile was all for nothing because having rehabilitated him so well he is now considered not 'normal'..his leg is lighter than a flesh and blood one but it's harder....hell, he might even bruise someone!!! FFS! Ok, ok...deep calming breaths....

  8. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Gemmak: I really hope that your friend told the local football league to FOAD .....

  9. It's still not beyond living recollection that Douglas Bader, double amputee, fought in the Battle of Britain to preserve the petty rights and privileges of wankers like the IAFF committee...

    Perhaps they'd like to organise the Olympics like they did in 1936?

    Oh...sorry...I forgot...but by awarding them to an oppressive body like the Chinese government, I guess the fuckers already did...

    (ps...chuckles...was that obvious enough for you bendy?)

  10. Anonymous3:18 pm

    "Sod the inspiration, have you seen the man?!"

    Go, Bendy Go! :lol:

  11. MrN: Thank you, I think I very probably do ;)

    Sarah: Can't see it myself! This is about the IAAF trying to do everything they can for some god unknown reason to prevent a disabled athlete competing alongside able bodied athletes. Why I'm not sure, something about it stinks though

    GemmaK: You know, the health and safety bollocks is used a ridiculous amount when it comes to preventing disabled people participating, it's quite a common one to try and stop disabled kids in mainstream schools from going on trips, some employers use it to refuse employment and it's a real favourite with social services and occupational therapists to refuse equipment and care, disgusting!

    Unixman: We can dream;)

    Cogi: Bloody marvellous comment ;)

    Steph: He is seriously cute though lol!
