Tuesday, August 05, 2008


for the absence, the Captain has been home for a couple of days and funnily enough I'm now completely knackered! Back soon


  1. I do hope you are getting plenty of rest. Especially after...I presume...the long walks you both are doing and the many visits to the free local museums and art galleries. ;)

    Remember what mum said about too much horizontal jogging?

    Take care

    Big bro x

  2. Ah, but is the Captain completely knackered too?

  3. Woohoo! I'm so HAPPY for you!!!!

    I hope you didn't dislocate anything. ;P

  4. Why do I suspect that being a Bendy Girl has its advantages from time-to-time...esp. when the Captain is in town... ;-)

  5. Anonymous9:31 am

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA... *waves hello*

  6. Big Bro: A major lack of rest, but not for the reasons you might imagine ;)

    Cogi: I reckon so, I swear that man rivals me for injuring himself!

    Trixie: Thank you :) The offer still stands about chief btw if you ever want to know. I suppose you don't want to hear about the dislocating competition we had then ;) lol

    Mr N: I'm saying nothing! lol

    Kim: Hello! x

  7. You take your time - I'm still reading the previous post:)

  8. Anonymous10:54 pm


    Lie back and think of Ireland, Bendy

  9. Lol..pheremones are good for pain! ;o)

  10. TFA: Enjoy! I was going to put a few more shots up but for some reason I seem unable to work my photo editing software...all I wanted to do was make the images smaller, sigh

    Steph: Lol Zzzzzzzzzz

    GemmaK: Too right they are, I did once tell my consultant that orgasms were the best pain killer everywhere..he told me to suck it and see! lol
