Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm alive, well (it's all relative!) and settling in to my new flat. I've managed to sort out a landline, but it will be some time (possibly weeks) before I can get broadband hooked up. Until then I don't expect to be able to post as there are no internet cafes where I live and finding places with wi-fi access is difficult. I'm sort of attempting to keep a moving diary so I'll post that when I can, but expect highlights such as my having been called a victim over a dozen times by the woman who processed my housing benefit application, how I managed to restrain myself from walloping her to give insight into what being a victim really means and more nonsense from the utility companies.

Hope life is treating you all kindly, Bendy Girl x


  1. Glad to hear you are settling in okay. I look forward to when you can start blogging again regularly. Don't let the buggers grind you down; but then I don't suppose you do.

  2. Now you know why the Irish like to keep a shelaighleigh handy. It's much easier on the knuckles when dealing with public servants.

  3. Glad you're getting settled in in spite of patronising welfare staff. What a twat.

  4. Good to hear you are alive and well and keeping your cool!

  5. Good to hear from you Bendy I have missed you, pleased things sounds as if they are settling down apart from idiot council officials that is....xx

  6. Anonymous1:54 am

    Gah some people!!!!! glad to hear that you are ok... xoxoxox

  7. Anonymous11:26 am

    Victim of *what* exactly?! Being patronised by departments perhaps. Glad the move has gone smoothly though.

  8. Glad to hear you're okay (relatively), Was getting a tad concerned.......

  9. Anonymous4:01 am

    Achelois says - BG now you have a landline why in this day and age does getting hooked up to the big B have to be tiresome. Well I miss you and need to know you are cosy and warm and all those other ands.... please fill in the gaps as soon as. Have you a library near at all for internet access... all I can see from the photo is Sea and in the summer I hope sunshine. Keep smiling BG.

  10. Anonymous8:37 am

    Missing you but glad to hear that you've made the big move without any major last minute hiccup.

    Now looking forward to hearing all the nitty gritty when you get connected.

    Take good care x

  11. Missed your posting BG. Hope the broadband won't take too long to set up

  12. BG,
    Hey glad to have ou back, sounds like things are happening if all be it slowly ...


  13. Anonymous6:32 pm

    Glad to hear you've moved, and look forward to more blogging - hope the broadband, and electricity, and everything else are sorted quickly!

  14. Just flying by - thought I'd tip a wing and see if there was anybody nude sunbathing in the garden. I guess not yet. Must be too soon. I'll be back.

  15. Anonymous12:08 am

    So its ok to assault dss staff is it ?

    You are a bad person as well as a victim.

  16. I miss reading your blog, Bendy! I hope your doing ok and will be back posting soon.

    Oh, and to the previous, anonymous, commenter: What a silly, humourless thing to say! No-one actually hit anyone, no-one was suggesting it's "ok to assault DSS staff." I believe the post was an expression of frustration, not an advocation of violence.
