Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From the British Legion, Dear Mr Griffin....

"An open letter from The Royal British Legion to Nick Griffin, Chairman of the BNP and MEP for North West England.

09 June 2009

Dear Mr Griffin,

We couldn't help but notice that there was egg on your face (and on your suit jacket) on the day after you were elected MEP for North West England.

Please don't leave egg on ours.

You wore a Poppy lapel badge during your news conference to celebrate your election victory. This was in direct contravention of our polite request that you refrain from politicising one of the nation's most treasured and beloved symbols.

The Poppy is the symbol of sacrifices made by British Armed Forces in conflicts both past and present and it has been paid for with blood and valour. True valour deserves respect regardless of a person's ethnic origin, and everyone who serves or has served their country deserves nothing less.

The Poppy pin, the Poppy logo, and the paper Poppy worn during Remembrance are the property, trademark and emblem of The Royal British Legion.

For nearly 90 years, The Royal British Legion has pursued a policy of being scrupulously above the party political fray. It is vital that everyone - the media, the public and our beneficiaries - know that we will not allow our independence to be undermined or our reputation impaired by being closely associated with any one political party. This is more important now than ever.

On May 27th, 2009, the National Chairman of The Royal British Legion wrote to you privately requesting that you desist from wearing the Poppy or any other emblem that might be associated with the Legion at any of your public appearances during the European Parliamentary election campaign.

He appealed to your sense of honour. But you have responded by continuing to wear the poppy. So now we're no longer asking you privately.

Stop it, Mr Griffin. Just stop it.


The Royal British Legion"

For all of us who believe the BNP do not represent us or the Britain we live in, then please sign the 'Not in my name' petition


  1. On my way to sign it !!!

  2. Wow, good letter from the British Legion. Thanks for posting that BG. Signed.

  3. I've just noticed your comment on my blog and also the comment on JD's blog about what to say to the dental students re chronic illness. I think one of the important things to get across is that (young) people with chronic conditions is that they look "normal" without any outward signs of illness. Detailing how awkward and difficult, if not impossible, simple every day tasks are because of the condition. In addition, your piece on the BBC website describes the difficulties there are in telling people and explaing the difficulties there are because of the condition.

  4. Just signed it and sent an email about it to family who I hope will pass it on to many of their friends to sign (also included a link to your blog as well).

  5. Michael10:15 am

    I thoroughly agree - the poppy is completely inappropriate for any political (or even non-political) party given it's longstanding association with the British Legion.
    But, somehow I can't help thinking that this petition is the wrong direction - it's too late - a democratic process has already elected the BNP, and shame on those who voted.
    No doubt the BNP members will find it hard going in the parliament and will not be returned by the good people of the northwest (or elsewhere) in the future.
    I'd rather sign a petition against their unlawful use of tradmark property than their lawful (yet awful) election to parliament.
    Our efforts should really be given to thwarting their actions and policies whilst sitting in Europe.

  6. It would be interesting to know if the British Legion have requested members / representatives of other (equally legal) political parties to refrain from wearing the poppy.
    However distasteful some of the views of some BNP members may be, they are a legally constituted party with a right to be treated in the same way as any other political parasites, whatever colour badge they wear.
