Friday, June 05, 2009


Until further notice I plan to be dancing on the political grave of James Purnell. Well, if I could keep my joints in place I would. As that's unlikely to happen until someone invents time travel and a cure for dodgy collagen I will content myself with having thrown yoghurt all over myself earlier today, such was my excitement when I saw he'd resigned.

Sadly, I don't suppose Mr Purnell will be signing on, because nothing, nothing, nothing would be sweeter revenge than seeing that weirdy looking little creep suffering the hell of a benefits application. Still, I can dream, and how I will.

Please don't anyone suggest in the comments that this might be a well timed bid by Purnell to leave the ship before the other rats realise it's sunkdrown slowly and horribly, I at least want the weekend to celebrate!


  1. Hasn't he resigned in a bid to get GB out of his job, at least that's what the 10 oclock news was saying last night. When I heard it I thought of you and how much you'd enjoy it.

  2. Yes, I immediately thought of you...

    To judge by his comments though, whilst emphatically denying any personal interest in the party leadership, he's attempting, (rather sickeningly), to reclaim the moral high ground whilst stirring all the other sinking rats into action...

    Sort of "Apres mois la deluge" act...

  3. I suspect he is a person of independent means.

  4. Anonymous9:13 am

    Purnell bet all and lost. With GB still in control, his dream of leading a revolution is dashed and he is exposed as an opportunistic little sh*t... he won't be appearing at the local jobcenter plus anytime soon but his political career is over, at least.


  5. Ivan the Terrible8:11 pm

    "the hell of a benefits application"

    What is that ? Filling out a form and possibly a medical, how awful epecially as your handouts are not insurance based and you make no valid contribution to British society. You are onto a good thing so belt up!

  6. Anonymous10:03 am

    Ivan - the hell isn't so much the form & the medical in & of themselves so much as knowing that if you make one mistake on the form, you will be rejected, and you will not get the pittance you need to somehow live on, and knowing that the medical will be a ticky-box survey that may well not even recognise your possibly life-threatening condition at all, & they'll force you to go to work in such a state as you will collapse & end up in hospital after a week or so. Put it this way - before WCA, the suicide rate among the disabled in the UK was around 33/year. Now it's 133. Fair enough, correlation isn't necessarily causation, but something is driving a lot more disabled people to kill themselves and the only thing that's changed is the WCA & benefits "overhaul".
