Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Days!

When I was most unwell, unable to get outside and rarely able to see people I would lie in the depressing dinge of a house starved of natural light and dream about having a garden to sit in.

This weekend I thought back to that and counted my blessings. Over and over. A
nd then some.

The beautiful weather on Saturday allowed us to organise a BBQ. At the beach just by my home. With wonderful company and fabulous food. Friends who not only carried everything, but helped me back and forth whenever I needed to enable me to be there with them.

Then afterwards a garden to sit in and reflect upon the day.

ay sore, tired and aching I may not be able to get out but the flat is flooded with light and I can remember. Sheer, complete bliss!


  1. BBQ's on the beach rock!

  2. How lovely to have been able to use your wonderful beach and to catch it between rain showers!

  3. Those sound like truly wonderful friends. I sometimes wonder if I have any friends like that.

  4. i feel brighter just reading your post :)

  5. I'm with carnalis!

    I'm counting my blessings today having spent the last 12 days in a dark, stuffy ward where the flurescent lights were on all day long. I was transferred last night to a lovely bright ward flooded with sunlight and fresh air.

    Get the basics right and you can cope with anything!

  6. " A beach is a place where a man can feel/he's the only soul in the world that's real." Pete Townshend.

    Great pics. I miss the beach and the ocean. Lake Ontario just doesn't cut it.

  7. Lovely to see you smiling and relaxed. Not sure you should be using your obviously 'out' shoulder to lean on though!

  8. Nice one bendy! You've obviously got some great friends and neighbours ... but thereagain, so have they!

  9. Nice to be out and about.
