Monday, February 22, 2010

Pushing Our Buttons

Pushing Our Buttons is the all new product review site created by Lucy Glennon. A team of writers with various disabilities will be reviewing products from an accessibility viewpoint. We've kicked off with Lucy's review of Virgin media remote controls and my review of the Samsung Tocco Ultra S8300

I hope you all find it useful, and if anyone wants to send us products to review for a disabled market please email us on


  1. My reader is playing up so I am not sure I am getting posts in the right order.

    I loved your review. You have a talent for writing which you should be paid for.

    I keep expecting you to say that you have a regular column in a magazine or slot in a paper. Then I could say I sort of knew her before she was famous.

    I trust your judgement as well being bendy too I know only to well that mobile phones can be problematical indeed. I like the fact that you didn't just stick to the buttons and obvious stuff but took the time to say about the memory bit thingy.

  2. Achelois: Aw, thank you! Here's hoping on the column thing hey ;)
    I hope you like the Pushing Our Buttons site, it seems to be taking off really well-if you want to submit a review, or perhaps B might like to, just drop me a line. BG Xx
