Thursday, April 01, 2010

So long and thanks for all the fish...

Fishy and Fish moved in last year in my misguided gift to Bendycat. I must've been spending too long observing politicians as they're the only others I know who'd give someone a present that made their life worse. Poor Bendycat, it's been like having a lunchbox she can't open. Fishy and Fish were never bothered by Bendycat's taunting, it was the goldfish hate crime experience that gave them PTSD.

Like most of my pets, with the exception of Bendycat and her bendycat mum, Fishy and Fish have now moved out to their new homes. No, not to the farm Joey Tribbiani's pets go to, but to an actual other home. An improvement since that first goldfish which my father flushed down the toilet along with a story about how it would live happily ever after in the sewers. I still have occasional nightmares 30 years on about ginormous goldfish swimming up the toilet to drag me down into their oversized sewer home. After that there was another goldfish who had to go and live in a friend's pond it grew so much, then Sunny the budgie. A present for my 12th birthday Sunny terrorised the house during his short reign. He would sit on a high shelf, delighting my parents by crapping all over their bank statements and occasionally venture upstairs, usually in the early hours to wake someone up by crapping on their bed. I loved Sunny. Unfortunately he got really depressed and went to live a happier life amongst other birds in the big aviary down the road.

With that kind of track record it's no wonder Fishy and Fish the 2nd look a bit lost in their new home. They'll either be dead in a week or I'll be trying to rehome them in six months when they've outgrown it. Fortunately my lovely carer now has a nice big fishtank for Fishy and Fish the 1st to live in, where in time they may be joined by Fishy and Fish the 2nd. As for Bendycat, she'll have to work on her motor control skills as much as me if she wants the tempting little snackettes in the tank...


  1. Lol, love your refernce to politicians!!
    And thank you for your suggestion x

  2. Lankylonglegs2:49 pm

    Cat TV, nice XD

  3. Your cat is adorable.
