Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Disability And Sickness At Labour Conference - The Easy Read Version

Huge thanks to everyone at United Response who've worked so hard to produce an easy read version of the Q&A session with Ed Miliband at the Labour Party Conference. Information about politics should be accessible to everyone, but we think this may be the first time information about an exchange between a disabled person and politician has been put into an easy read format. It is also a welcome collaboration between a grassroots disabled people's organisation and a charity showing all the political parties that people with learning disabilities are a powerful voting block who want and need to be enabled to engage with politics just like everyone else.

Please note we are aware that putting the easy read version into Jpeg format makes it inaccessible to people with visual impairments and we are working on getting the PDF version uploaded.
Update: PDF version available here 


  1. Brilliant! I don't think I have ever seen a serious attempt to get political debate made accessible in easy read format. What a fantastically obvious thing that should be happening more, and yet, once more,it's something I have come across thanks to disabled activists and organisations supporting their hard work.

  2. This is great. My one quibble is it doesn't show that we think Ed is wrong to say that some disabled people could work but don't want to. It's a difficult thing to do, trying to show the nuance without the details that might confuse the issue, but I do wish that point had come through.

    Still, it's important the message is accessible to everyone, even at the cost of some nuance being lost.

  3. Anonymous12:07 pm

    I'm very impressed by this. My cousin has a fairly severe learning difficulty and so can't usually follow politics (even when it will have a drastic effect on her life). Documents like this one are a great way of making information accessible to more people.

  4. Immense post. I have no idea that it could be a political issue. By the way ant thing written or posted must be in such a format that it could be easily read by any one.
