Monday, January 09, 2012

I am Spartacus and I.... #spartacusreport

Responsible Reform was a report put together by literally thousands. If you helped in ANY way, no matter how small, please leave a comment below starting


You might have donated £5 to our fund, perhaps you always RTd our articles. Some will have stuffed envelopes, others wrote pieces. Scores of you researched, volunteers popped up from everywhere offering to do even the most obscure or mundane tasks for us.

Did you write to your MP? Email a peer? take part in one of our campaigns of send me a link to what may have ended up being vital research? Did you live tweet #teamwrb? Did you make a point of always sharing my links on Facebook?

So for tomorrow and next week when we have time to reflect, let's leave a record of exactly who made this happen and what they did

I hope we end up with hundreds of comments. xxxx


  1. Hurtyback2:28 pm

    I AM SPARTACUS AND I emailed the report to my MP, my local CAB and our local paper.
    We are the Spoon Army!

  2. I'm Spartacus, and I contributed to the report myself, I'm a constituency rep, and I'm working Quaker contacts to get coverage in that community.

  3. I am Spartacus!

    I was one of the people who responded to the DLA consultation and ended up being misrepresented by the Coalition Government.

    I have sent email to all of my elected representatives and a couple more people besides.

  4. "I AM SPARTACUS AND I supported with a donation...

  5. Clojio/Gravity1:50 pm

    I AM SPARTACUS and I am a constituency rep, I am sharing on facebook and tweeting, I have got others I know to do the same.

  6. I am Spartacus and I donated and am a constituency rep. I have also been sharing on twitter when I can.
