Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Orwell Prize 2012 - Shortlist



I've been shortlisted for the Orwell Prize 2012 (Blogging)! In much the same way as I celebrated being longlisted there has been oramorph, sleeping and attempting to console a very sulky BendyCat who's considering a plagarism action as the true author of all my blogs.

The awards ceremony is Wednesday 23rd of May. Excitement about that is scheduled to begin once I've figured out if and how I can attend, which will sound significantly less "woe is me" if you've read my blog entries about trying to travel anywhere as a disabled person!


Blogs entered:

What's in a word? 

Welfare bill ignores reality of disability

Sitting targets for the government's welfare reforms 

 Robin on the road - life can change in an instant

The Broken of Britain - Six months on the road to justice

Govt's welfare reform bill trick stinks of injustice

Imagine you're four... 

Its no wonder politicians are ignorant about the trials facing the disabled traveller

Disability benefit reform: is the government hiding behind Atos errors?

Get out of your comfort zone, disability living allowance cuts are relevant to all



  1. hossylass9:01 pm

    Fantastic news and you deserve the recognition. You HAVE to go to the awards ceremony, I will carry you there if I have to!

  2. I hope you can get there, how bloomin fantastic well done lovely lady x

  3. Well done. I'm still eye rolling that the "you suck so bad you didn't even make the longlist" Email invites you to the shortlist debate. Insult to injury, much?

  4. You speak for us all!

  5. Fantastic news! You really deserve the accolade.

    Regards, Fiona

    The Guardian on Facebook have another article on the impact of the cuts today. My comment :
