Friday, October 12, 2012

Conference Diary Day 2: Day 1 of Conservative Conference #cpc12

In travelodge after going to wrong travelodge. Tired! Lots of policemen. None of whom shouted at me for breaking traffic laws, distinct improvement on Manchester.

Birmingham pavements discriminate against disabled people, one near miss on scooter when nearly tipped off.

Good meeting with the new Minister for Disability, Esther McVey. We were joined by Iain Duncan Smith & a deputy speaker of the house who's name I've forgotten but who has invited me to spend the day with him being a deputy speaker. But he just dropped by, meeting was really IDS & McVey. Apparently IDS likes all the hassle we've been giving them. I'm thinking that's a real politicians answer...

Explained desire to become Baroness BendyGirl to Esther & IDS with rationale that its the most spoonie friendly job in existence, everyone naps on the red benches so would suit me perfectly. IDS says he'll see what he can do!

Received rather odd phone call from 5Live asking me to go on air to defend Abu Hamza's right to wear his hook prosthesis in high security prison. Received many strange looks whilst exclaiming "I'm not defending a terrorist" Probably best not to mention terrorists loudly inside Conservative Conference.

Utterly bizarre social care fringe where an MP assured me that working age disabled people in need of social care will be fine because there are charities running group homes for disabled people who can work. MP apologised for describing us as 'vulnerable' assuming it was that making me scowl not her impressive description of workhouses. We had to leave the fringe after that.  Old doddery man with food all down his front who kept leering down my top looked very disappointed.

Tired! Dinner with charity people then bed.


  1. Oh that did make me really LOL :0)

  2. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Ooh, nice, communal home run by charity. Will that be for disabled people with children as well? And couples?

    Will they provide transport to enable the residents to have a social life? No, I thought not. And will they have their own little flats like 'normal' people? No, I thought not. Will it actually be cheaper? Well it will be if the charity pays for it. Oh, that depends on lots of charitable donations and the recession's hit those.

    It's about time we warehoused MPs in residential homes to see how they like it.

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    Disability Conference
