Monday, March 10, 2014

Journey to Work Part 3 - My First Day - I seem to still be on ESA..


  1. Ring up and as for "permitted work" forms - they will assume that you are on the fiddle and stop your benefit.

  2. How bloody awful! It's no wonder people stay away from benefits and starve!
    Glad that you are working and hope you settle in fine. Also hope that tomorrow is a better day for you.
    You watch, you'll get sanctioned for working :)3028 32493224

  3. best wishes for the work and the sorting the benefits out.

    yes, indeed, ask for permitted work forms, and your benefit will be stopped - not that they tell you this, you discover this when you go overdrawn and get bank charges. The reason is so that you don't end up having problems paying them back over-paid benefit. It can take 2 months, by which time you probably owe someone money [in my case my parents]and feel stressed and unwell. Especially as you get told it'll take x time, then oh no it takes x time plus z time... etc. Then you insist on speaking to the highest level of manager available and they shift it onto the agenda of the person who decides and phone you back to say sorted. meanwhile you haven't done any work because so stressed and unwell.

  4. Very worrying to hear permitted work requests trigger benefits stops :(

  5. I found your blog/tweets because I'm looking into coming off ESA and onto Working Tax Credits but I want to know what will happen if I relapse and can't seem to find anything out regarding the linking period.

    If it is of any interest, as regards the permitted work, my experience is that it works fine, certainly they never stopped my ESA (Income related), the only (small) issue was that they never actually told me that I had been granted permitted work (higher level).

    Hope everything is working out for you...

  6. Asking for permitted work form does NOT stop your esa ! I know I've done it.I am in the support group but wanted to try to work,I've been doing permitted work for 9 months now. All played by the job centre. There are rules,the work must be for less than 16 hours on average and you must not earn more than 104 per week.benefits not affected.if your work falls within these boundaries you will be better off :-)
