Friday, March 06, 2009

1 in 10

Each year, around 1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence.

I've been that 1 in 10 on more than one occasion. The vast majority of my female* friends have also been that 1 in 10 at some point in their lives.

Being happy is the best revenge, but it can take many years to achieve, and is even harder a place to reach without help and support.

*as have several male friends. It is even more difficult for men to speak out and seek help, but this particular campaign is for women.


  1. Yep been there got the T shirt, and then had the lies as to where I'd got the black eye from.
    Self respect is what I have now.

  2. I know I have been very fortunate... but that is still a very alarming statistic.

  3. Thats an horrendous statistic! I have been lucky, I am one of the 9, I can't imagine dealing with the aftermath of rape and have massive respect and sympathy for those that do, 'Happiness is the best revenge' is an amazing and positive attitude to have :O)
