Monday, March 09, 2009

Bog off! The Special Parking Edition

Oops! Someone forgot to put their handbrake on...but both drivers did remember to display their blue badges correctly so no fines.

For the protectors of civil liberties amongst us, I took this photo whilst two parking attendants were dealing with the situation. Initially one tried to insist I couldn't take a photo, but once I'd explained it was to be published on a blog about disability issues they were happy for me to go bizarre!


  1. *squints*

    Isn't that a parent/child space?

  2. Looks like it, but it was a 'disabled only' car park next to the mobility center. Who knows?!

  3. was the MG driver drunk or just have a very bad sense of direction??

  4. Since when has a Parking Attendant been authorised as some kind of Civil Liberties arbiter? To put a more street-credible interpretation on it, self-important nosey sh*tbag might be more more like it...
