Friday, July 03, 2009

1940's Bendy Girls!

This is a cute video of bendy girl's back in 1944. The bending starts after the song, about 45 seconds in. Enjoy!


  1. Their legs look possessed! And the strength there. Wow.

  2. Gawd knows how you managed to dig that up, but - FABULOUS!

  3. So if this is Bendy Girl behaviour, when are we going to see you doing backflips and somersaults?

  4. Funny thing their strength & bendiness. Even in younger days when so much fitter I would have dislocated shoulders etc traumatically, attempting gymnastics. I think some naturally bendy people have the advantage of being able to do stuff like this without pain and severe muscle/tendon damage. I am really bendy on fingers, shoulders knees, ankles, toes etc.. but could never have done the back bending stuff as they have ever. Lets hope they didn't go on to develop severe pain! My EDS is rubbish at the minute and enjoying reading everyone's blogs. Thanks BG for video distraction. Loved the pre-grated cheese comment on twitter - bendies love pre-grated cheese methinks.

  5. My wife's father was recruited by circus people when he was a little boy in Mexico City - because he could do those very same things the girls did in that film clip. His mother, wisely, refused to allow her son to be exploited in such a manner, and so he stayed home, grew up, married the gringa who worked in the US Embassy, moved to the States, and the rest, as they say, is history.
