Bog Off-Exhibit 19 So near and yet so far...
This Bog Off was sent in by AbsolutQueer photography. AbsolutQueer reports that overall the toilet was clean and well laid out, with only the pull for help cord being wrapped up out of the way. Sounds pretty good considering the standard of most Bog Offs.
Thanks AbsolutQueer!
If anyone would like to contribute, please email your Bog Off photos and comments to
There's a bin in the transfer space too.
Clearly, this establishment was designed by some extremely thoughtful people...
Terrible. I always forget to snap an photo when I see a poor set up. I don't think this restroom has anyones needs in minds.
I have to confess that since reading your articles, I've actually peered round the door of the Disability-Access bog at my local my totally untrained eye it looks accessible, fairly spacious and reasonably thoughtfully laid out...and the light cord is easily reachable from all levels...but what else should I be looking out for...
oo this means an excuse to go out to lunch to go see the good 'bog off' I went into in Macclesfield!
At work, recently, workmen carefully fitted new handles to the door of the ladies toilet, specially designed and placed to make it easier for wheelchair users to open the door (they sent us a memo about how great it was). However the toilet is on the half-landing of a steep, narrow flight of stairs in the oldest part of the building (disabled people can take the lift to another floor, during working hours, to get to a properly designated toilet, so it's really not that likely that a wheelchair user would be trying to get up the stairs to use this one). I'm sure there is a logic to it...
Wahay! I now have an accessible toilet spotting mission :)
The one at the London Transport Museum was OK, also except the alarm cord being tied up out of reach. I untied it, and told the information person, who was suprisingly exasperated and knowledgeable!
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