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The Orwell Prize 2012

no probs.. cheers kim
You shameless wench! Bendy
There I was, doing my best to keep quiet about the short-listing yesterday and suddenly I'm bombarded with hits.
I'm really not into awards. Yes, I was chuffed to be nominated in the first place and then, short-listed by the judges but after that, I think the system of public voting is a bit of a con as a means of selection. However, if it means more visitors to my site then that's reward enough for me.
And anyway, I'm already a winner with friends like you! :-D
been there, done that, good site your friend has.
Kim and Pixie thank you x
Steph: I was so pleased to see both your nomination and shortlist, but I totally agree with you about the system of voting. All seems a bit strange to me as having a popular blog relies on so much more than the written content.
Anyways, what are friends for if they can't shamelessly pimp you?! x
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