Bendy Cat says

4/23/2009 05:11:00 pm BenefitScroungingScum 7 Comments

Dis why u single.


Aww wht a cute kit!

alhi said...

I think it might be why I'm single too!

Anonymous said...

Lovely. More photos, please!

cogidubnus said...

With six cats, I felt qualified to comment...until I realised that next door up the road have thirteen, and next door down the road, five...

Great aren't they?

Casdok said...

Me too!

Fire Byrd said...

Well having met the puss in question I can perfectly see why she rules the roost!
Thank you for a lovely day. Hope you weren't too exhausted by our visit.

Bendy Cat says 'thank you all, but unlike mai stoopid homin I kno's I's the hottest kitteh in town. Jest need ter convince t'curly 1 I's betta dan any man'