BNP Posts
BNP leader Nick Griffin will appear on the BBC's Question Time tonight. As lots of people seem to be visiting here to find out the BNP's views of disabled people I am reposting all relevant posts.First posted 4th June 2009
Today in England the elections for the European parliament are held. As so many people wish to protest against New Labour and the all party expenses scandal smaller parties are expected to do well. In many areas the BNP ( British National Party) have been campaigning heavily. Most people are aware that the BNP are primarily racist thugs, but I doubt as many are aware of their views about disabled people.
After the tragic death of David Cameron's son Ivan earlier this year Jeffrey Marshall, senior organiser for the BNP made this statement on an internet forum:
"We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it."
Later, in response to other comments on the site, Marshall allegedly wrote
"There is not a great deal of point in keeping these people alive after all."
Many people, including myself, are so disillusioned and disgusted by the behaviour of politicians they don't know who to vote for, or even whether to vote at all. Whilst that's understandable, it's also likely to lead to gains for extremist groups such as the BNP.
A society should be judged by how it cares for it's most vulnerable. The BNP believe that to be an excess of sentimentality and can't see the point in keeping such disabled people alive. Is that the kind of country we really want to live in?
First posted 8th June 2009
Freedom Fighting

On such a depressing day, particularly for those of us living in the North West, the best thing we can all do is put aside our anger and remember what it is we love about being British.
For me the most important part of my British identity is freedom. Freedom to believe in whatever I choose to believe in, and so long as they harm no-one, the freedom to live my life in accordance with those beliefs.
My family were immigrants, Jews fleeing the persecution of Russian pogroms on my maternal side, and Irish seeking work on my paternal side. Such a background means I believe in freedom of thought and expression so vehemently that regardless of my disgust for their politics I absolutely support the right of parties such as the BNP to believe whatever they want to believe.
Previous generations laid down their lives for us to be able to live in such freedom. It's equally important now that we fight as bravely as they did. Instead of guns and bombs our weapons should be freedom and justice. It's too easy to think that nothing we do makes any difference and become apathetic. Just one small gesture performed every day by each one of us can make enough difference to change our society.
Today my gesture was to visit the grave of Lieutenant John O'Neill, VC. Lt O'Neill is buried in the cemetery a few streets away from my home. His grave was looking like it needed some love and attention when I discovered it a few days ago, so today I returned to clean it.
What will your gesture be?

First posted 16th June 2009
"An open letter from The Royal British Legion to Nick Griffin, Chairman of the BNP and MEP for North West England.
09 June 2009
Dear Mr Griffin,
We couldn't help but notice that there was egg on your face (and on your suit jacket) on the day after you were elected MEP for North West England.
Please don't leave egg on ours.
You wore a Poppy lapel badge during your news conference to celebrate your election victory. This was in direct contravention of our polite request that you refrain from politicising one of the nation's most treasured and beloved symbols.
The Poppy is the symbol of sacrifices made by British Armed Forces in conflicts both past and present and it has been paid for with blood and valour. True valour deserves respect regardless of a person's ethnic origin, and everyone who serves or has served their country deserves nothing less.
The Poppy pin, the Poppy logo, and the paper Poppy worn during Remembrance are the property, trademark and emblem of The Royal British Legion.
For nearly 90 years, The Royal British Legion has pursued a policy of being scrupulously above the party political fray. It is vital that everyone - the media, the public and our beneficiaries - know that we will not allow our independence to be undermined or our reputation impaired by being closely associated with any one political party. This is more important now than ever.
On May 27th, 2009, the National Chairman of The Royal British Legion wrote to you privately requesting that you desist from wearing the Poppy or any other emblem that might be associated with the Legion at any of your public appearances during the European Parliamentary election campaign.
He appealed to your sense of honour. But you have responded by continuing to wear the poppy. So now we're no longer asking you privately.
Stop it, Mr Griffin. Just stop it.
The Royal British Legion"
For all of us who believe the BNP do not represent us or the Britain we live in, then please sign the 'Not in my name' petition
I like your stance on freedom and justice and also, your views on 'making a difference'.
My gesture for today is to watch Question Time tonight and become better informed.
Good on you Bendy!
Nick Griffen is still wearing a poppy. Shame on him.
And talks about indigenous Britains, who are they will? In his world how many generations will we have to go back to prove that fact or will it be ok if our skin is white.
The man and all he stands for are disgraceful.
I won't bewatching question time, as i never do and to watch it because he is on is about letting him have a bigger voice than I allow other politians. I have watched the news to know those things about him, something I normally do.
Whilst not wanting to be apathetic and yes I'm a member of Not in my name. I think we have to be careful about feeding the beast.
I believe I commented on this at the time and he did nothing else other then lie and back track last night to change my opinion that he is not only a facist racist but also a bloody fool.
Not sure if there is someone else in the party who could better represent it.
I have also joined Not In My Name..xx
Bendy, a good gesture, and one I am going to think about.. what will I do to thank the guys..xx
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