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Thanks for the link, BG
I'll go back there for more!
And WELL DONE to you both for highlighting a serious flaw in the system.
Hi BG,
Off topic but read this Times article
and this in the Register
and be glad you don't live anywhere near one of these planned prison towns. How Stalinist can you get?
The planners already buggered up towns like Plymouth by making it impossible to live without a car (the houses are in one part of the city, the shops are in another, and such jobs that exist are in another)
I suppose one benefit of the current housing meltdown is that these towns probably won't be built.But scary hey.
Sorry BG
Here's the Times link
Why couldnt some one from dwp go and visit her at home, spose if the dwp has had reports saying the hospital can do no more they have opened her case files and thought either see what her condition is like eg ; genuine or not
jurid xxx
Steph: Ty, I think the Jobbing Doctor's blog a daily must. Hope all well with you x
Dave: I'd heard something about that on the radio-where will all the older or disabled people live in such towns? Silly me, of course they'll all be in the workhouse!
Jurid: I'm not sure, but I expect faceless would know. FWIW I remember when I first had to claim income support (after coming home from the USA) someone actually came out to the house to fill in the forms with me. I expect such visits were deemed not cost effective, but I'm sure if they were more widely used fraud would be less popular.
On the point of hospital/GP notes, this can be a real problem for people with long term chronic conditions who don't see a consultant or GP because their condition is relatively speaking stable. From the DWP's point of view that can infer the person is committing fraud as they don't have the evidence to back up their claims.
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