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The Orwell Prize 2012

Got worse: it's been discovered that David Blunkett had claimed for a motorcycle, a hang-glider and a pair of binoculars!
Have you seen todays Steve Bell cartoon in the Guardian : http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/cartoon/2009/may/22/steve-bell-geoff-hoon-hazel-blears-mps-expenses-cartoon
Love it!
Brown has a problem when he came to power he had to decide which way he was going to go, would be kick out New labour and go back to the Labour party, or would he Carry on with New Labour and the third way, we all know which way he went, now the New Labour Blairites are in charge, and to be honest Brown can do little but hang on, the real power is with people like the Milibands Purnell Blears. So if Brown was to say OK Purnell is dumped guess who would be out and it's not Purnell.
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