Bendy Body Bits!
This impressive example of a hypermobile shoulder actually belongs to The Best Man, though the poor quality photography skills are all down to yours truly.
Proving yet again that either Ehlers Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Syndromes are either not the medical zebras they are alleged to be, or that I just have some weird bendy seeker gene.
Awesome. Stardom at last.
I think I've got that too... My best friend since I was a year old has the same type of EDS as me, and we grew up in opposite sides of a duplex. I'm married to a man with Marfan syndrome, and I didn't know he hd it until after we were married.
My youngest son has some hyper
mobility. Although he just thinks he's normal ( HA!)
They're not that unusual at all, I don't think, at least I seem to know a disproportionate amount of people with connective tissue disorders. However, most aren't negatively affected to any great degree - they're just a little bit slack. I think the more extreme end of the spectrum is still fairly unusual.
But yes, my partner's brother (and I think uncle) have Marfan's, my partner has a lot of the traits (typical Marfan's stature, skin tears, IBS, varicose veins etc - but his heart is fine). Another friend has reasonably severe EDS, and two others are pretty hypermobile. I only have 8 friends!
Turns out (suspicions confirmed by doc last week) my daughter (aged 5) is hypermobile, soring 9/9 on the Beighton scale. The doc was not overly concerned - probably because she too was hypermobile and they ended up comparing elbows and thumbs. The doc recommended a career in gymnastics (for my daughter not me).
By the way, it was this blog that raised my awareness and, therefore, suspicions. Ta very much for the help. (And you'll be pleased to hear the doc referenced EDS within a few minutes).
Me being me and somewhat medicated for EDSey reasons which i won't bore you with here, I just stared and stared at the photo and thought that whilst it is possible that your shoulder does that that somehow you had had a sudden attack of growth hormone and one of your body parts had grown disproportionatly to the rest of you....
Its ok BG am off to lie down in a quiet corner, some would say I am sure that they hope I stay there.
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