Are you worried by benefit reform? Disability Now want to hear from you

7/05/2010 12:25:00 pm BenefitScroungingScum 3 Comments

Are you worried by benefit reform?

Disability Now is working on a feature for the forthcoming issue looking at disabled people's fears, concerns and opinions regarding the proposed changes to the Disability Living Allowance system referred to in the budget by the Chancellor, George Osborne.
We're looking to highlight the concerns of real people from all areas of society. What do you think the medical assesment could mean for you personally? Are you concerned by the Government seemingly drawing DLA closer to a person's ability to work? Perhaps you feel the changes are a positive thing? Regardless, Disability Now would love to hear from you, after all, the piece can only work by containing the authentic voices of disabled people.
Please email your thoughts to, leaving your contact details if you are willing to be interviewed over the telephone.


With the government ring fencing the NHS, but making all these noises about those on benefits it sounds a lot like "if we can fix you we will"
"If we can't fix you then your fucked."

Arienette said...

It's truly a mark of the times that even though I have a lot to say on this matter, I am actually concerned and thinking twice about talking to any person or organisation, because I'm concerned it may come back and bite me in the arse. Sad or what?

Thanks though, I think I probably will put my neck out and send off an email, although I'm not sure I can say anything no one else will be saying!

Anonymous said...

please read and vote for my personal and related campaign about protecting people with autism and asd's and there carers from the welfare reform and getting kicked off the benefits which are a life line to us.

It's on the new coalition governments Your Freedom Website where you can send ideas to the government for there consideration..

I have autism it took a lot of brain processing and stress to write this document and get the grammar correct as well. I don't think it's 100% grammatically correct but i think it is readable enough.